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Mark Russell

Nightclub flirting led to rape, footballer's trial told

Soccer star Angel Torres (right) has gone on trial accused of rape, intimidation and assault. (Mark Russell/AAP PHOTOS)

A-League soccer star Angel Torres met a young woman at a nightclub before taking her home, putting a belt around her neck and raping her, a jury has heard.

Colombia-born Torres, 24, pleaded not guilty in the Gosford District Court on Monday to one count of aggravated sexual intercourse without consent, an alternative count of sexual intercourse without consent, one count of intimidation intending to cause fear and two counts of assault.

In his opening address to the jury on Monday, crown prosecutor Andrew Lynch said the alleged victim had been drinking with friends when they decided to go to Sirens nightclub in Terrigal on the NSW Central Coast about 9.40pm on March 23, 2024.

Angel Torres arrives at Gosford District Court for his trial on Monday. (Mark Russell )

Mr Lynch said between midnight and 1am the alleged victim, aged 21 at the time, met Torres on the dance floor.

The pair chatted before Torres showed the woman his Instagram page.

The Central Coast Mariners striker, who requires a Spanish translator to sit next to him in the dock during his trial, had to use Google translator at times to communicate with the woman.

The prosecutor said the pair flirted and at one point they kissed and she told Torres he smelt nice.

Mr Lynch said Torres suggested the woman go with him to his car to see his cologne before asking if she wanted to go home with him as he only lived five minutes away.

The woman initially declined, saying she was at the club with friends, before changing her mind.

The pair left the club just before 1.45am and Torres drove them back to his place before asking if she wanted a drink as they sat on the lounge.

When Torres went to get her a glass of water, the prosecutor said the woman could feel she was sobering up and started questioning what she was doing there.

Angel Torres (file)
Angel Torres requires a Spanish translator to sit next to him in the dock during his trial. (Steven Markham/AAP PHOTOS)

Mr Lynch said when Torres briefly left the woman alone in the bedroom, she texted a girlfriend: “I don’t know if this is a good idea”.

When Torres returned shirtless, the pair started kissing before he allegedly took the woman’s belt and placed it around her neck.

The prosecutor said the woman, feeling uncomfortable and scared, told Torres to stop.

Mr Lynch said Torres removed the belt from her neck before pushing her head towards his penis but she resisted and told him she did not want to put it in her mouth.

The woman began stroking Torres’ penis before she allegedly told him she wanted to leave and started backing away from him.

The prosecutor said the woman started yelling “no, no, no” when he penetrated her vagina with two fingers.

Torres allegedly laughed at the woman when she stood up and said she was going.

At one stage, Torres was accused of grabbing the woman and pushing her up against the wall for about 45 seconds.

Angel Torres (file)
Angel Torres allegedly told the woman she was going to ruin his career when she screamed for help. (Steven Markham/AAP PHOTOS)

Mr Lynch said Torres asked why the woman, who was crying, wanted to leave and she was acting crazy.

When the woman finally managed to get outside, she texted a friend: “I need help”.

The prosecutor said Torres followed the woman as she walked down the street and when she screamed “help, help”, he told her she was going to ruin his career.

Defence barrister William Brewer told the jury Torres denied all the accusations.

Mr Brewer said the alleged victim left Torres' home "rather suddenly" and he was concerned for her welfare.

He claimed Torres was worried because it was nearly 3am when the woman walked outside and he thought "he ought to be doing something about it".

Mr Brewer urged the jury not to jump to conclusions and wait until all the evidence was in before making a decision.

The alleged victim was called to give evidence and the court closed to the public.

She is expected to continue her evidence on Tuesday.

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