The Snowy Hydro scheme has long had a presence in Australian culture, and its gushing water has become a feature of new work by acclaimed South Korean artist Haegue Yang.
"It's stunning, it's this completely immersive space, she really layers the images," the National Gallery of Australia's Russell Storer told AAP.
Yang's massive wallpaper artwork, titled Non-Linear and Non-Periodic Dynamics (2020) is one of two major acquisitions by the gallery.
It's been adapted with images of nearby water - including Snowy Hydro - as well as Kurrajong trees and Bogong moths for display in Canberra.
The purchases have been made to celebrate the opening of an exhibition of the artist's work at the National Gallery opening Saturday.
Yang, who lives in Seoul and Berlin, is a significant and fascinating international artist, Storer said.
"She really embodies this kind of transnational, cross cultural space that we're in, in terms of contemporary art," he said.
The gallery has also acquired three of Yang's sculptures made from fur and bells.
Each alludes to a pioneering modern artist – Barbara Hepworth, Naum Gabo, and Li Yuan-chia.
The sculptures are built on castor wheels and covered in tiny bells that will be rung three times on Saturdays.
Haegue Yang: Changing From From To From at the National Gallery of Australia is on show from Saturday.
Sonic Intermediates – Three Differential Equations (2020) will be activated each Saturday at 11am, 12pm, and 1pm.