The 'yes' campaign for the Indigenous voice to parliament spent more than $60 million on the failed referendum.
The Australian Electoral Commission published new data on Tuesday with disclosure showing the main 'yes' body, Australians for Indigenous Constitutional Recognition, received more than $47 million in donations.
Australia's largest philanthropic body, the Paul Ramsay Foundation, gave $7 million to the leading group campaigning for constitutional change.
The major 'no' bodies dropped tens of millions less on the campaign, defeating their opponents comfortably despite being out-spent.
Organisations in the 'no' camp, Australians for Unity and Advance Australia, spent $11.8 million and $10.4 million respectively.
The referendum lost, with the 'no' side garnering 60 per cent of the vote compared with 40 per cent for those who voted in favour.
The ACT was the only jurisdiction with a majority 'yes' vote.
Under new rules passed in March 2023, all donations above the threshold of $15,200 must be declared to the electoral commission and publicly released.
Big Four banks and others also forked out for the 'yes' campaign with ANZ donating $2.5 million, Woodside Energy giving $2.1 million, Commonwealth Bank $2.05 million and Westpac $2.04 million.
The Pratt Foundation donated $1 million to 'yes' campaigners.