Women and gender-diverse people must be considered when it comes to housing delivery, with advocates calling on the government to prioritise their needs when tackling Australia's housing crisis.
National not-for-profit YWCA Australia has launched a Safe Homes, Equal Futures campaign, putting the spotlight on the need for urgent, gender responsive solutions in housing.
Advocates will make their case to politicians on both sides during what could be the final parliamentary sitting week before the 2025 federal election, where housing affordability is expected to be a big voter issue.
"A home is more than just a roof over your head, it needs to be safe, secure and affordable," YWCA Australia CEO Michelle Phillips told AAP.
"Women and gender-diverse people face distinct barriers and need targeted solutions."
Ms Phillips said domestic and family violence was the number one cause of insecure housing for women and gender-diverse people in Australia.
The YWCA campaign includes a five point plan of policy initiatives that would need to be backed by targeted investment to break the cycle of housing insecurity.
The plan calls for an increase of the supply of safe, secure and affordable housing for women, gender-diverse people and their families as well as an increase in regional housing.
More support and funding for gender-responsive homelessness and domestic and family violence services as well as improving rental affordability were also listed.
"Too many young women and gender-diverse people are being locked out of safe housing," Ms Phillips said.
"We would like to see at least 20,000 more houses dedicated to women and gender-diverse people."
Ms Phillips called on parliamentarians to make housing a bipartisan policy, to ensure safe homes and equal futures for all Australians.