Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has committed to closing the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians, even if a referendum to enshrine a voice in the constitution fails.
But he says that commitment will be much harder to achieve without a voice advisory body and warned there would not be another opportunity for the same meaningful change the referendum offers.
"I'll respect the outcome, whatever it is, you have to respect the decision that the Australian people make in a democracy," he said on Friday.
"I still will do whatever I can to assist closing the gap, but we know it will be harder because a voice will make it easier, there'll be a structured advisory body to government to make it easier."
The prime minister acknowledged a failed referendum would be a setback for reconciliation in Australia and represent a lost opportunity for the nation.
A date for the vote is yet to be announced but it is widely expected it will take place on October 14.
Mr Albanese was confident as the referendum drew closer that Australians would focus on the details much like they did during previous federal election campaigns.
"This is in the hands of the Australian people, I will do my best to promote a 'yes' vote," he said.
"I was fully aware when I said that we would hold a referendum and there were people who said, 'that's a risk'.
"Of course it's a risk, change is hard, but this is necessary."
The NSW Law Society, which represents 35,000 legal professionals, became the latest organisation to confirm its support for the voice, joining a 'yes' suite of sporting bodies, corporate giants and community groups.
In a statement the society said the best policy outcomes on matters relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples were achieved when "the principles of self-determination, shared decision-making and genuine partnership are observed".
"In our view, the voice to parliament represents a clear and historic opportunity to enshrine in the constitution a formal mechanism to give voice to those principles."
Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young urged fellow South Australians to continue to lead the way for the nation by voting 'yes' at the upcoming referendum.
In March, South Australia became the first state to establish an Indigenous voice to its parliament.
"This is an opportunity for us to right the wrongs of the past and move forward together, for a united community that represents and understands and listens to the needs of First Nations people," she told reporters in Adelaide.
"The question is really simple: do we believe it is time for First Nations people in this country to have a say over the issues that affect their lives? Of course we do."
The referendum will require a majority of votes in a majority of states to succeed.