Families going through legal disputes will be targeted with a campaign aimed at stymying the "national disgrace" of domestic violence.
The Federal Court will on Tuesday release three short films aimed at breaking down the topics of violence in family law cases, the importance of hearing children's voices and how the legal process works.
Chief Justice Will Alstergren said court data showed family violence was claimed in 83 per cent of parenting cases over the past financial year.
It was alleged a child had been abused, or was at risk of abuse, in 72 per cent of parenting cases during the same period.
“Family violence in our society is a national disgrace," Justice Alstergren said.
He said the films canvassed difficult issues in a way that was easy to understand and would hopefully be useful for those involved in family law disputes.
The first of the films explains how family violence is defined in the law and provides examples of harmful behaviours, which can include physical and non-physical acts of violence that constitute coercive control.
The second film explains how the voice of children being heard is very important and is an area that might not be well understood, while the third outlines the typical court process and how the courts can provide support to children and families.
“Separation can be extremely stressful and a time of heightened risk," Justice Alstergren said.
"It is important that those who engage with the court system know what to expect and can have confidence that the courts take family violence very seriously.
"We want people to feel safe to inform the courts about the violence they have experienced, so that judges can make decisions in the best interests of children.”
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