Two out-of-control bushfires are threatening communities in northwest Tasmania with the premier urging people to heed warnings.
Residents and visitors to Sandy Cape and surrounds were told to take shelter on Tuesday afternoon, while those at Corinna were urged to leave immediately.
TasAlert warnings said the blazes were expected to put lives in danger and may destroy homes.
"Fire conditions are expected to be uncontrollable, unpredictable and fast moving," TasAlert said.
"There is expected to be thick smoke, and showers of embers which may cause fires all around you.
"Fires will move quickly and may come from many directions."
Tasmanian Premier Jeremy Rockliff said the next few days were critical in the fire fight.
"If you are asked to leave, then leave, it is critical that we all follow those instructions very, very clearly," he said.
Large air tankers and black hawk helicopters are being used, with fire crews and personnel from Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service and Sustainable Timber Tasmania battling the blazes.