Victorian police have no plans to start carrying life-saving opioid overdose treatment despite a new report showing Melbourne has become the nation's fentanyl capital.
Melbourne has the highest level of heroin, ketamine and fentanyl consumption of any Australian capital city, the latest wastewater data from the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission shows.
In regional areas, Victoria tops the national list for heroin consumption and is second for fentanyl and oxycodone use.
While all police in Western Australia now carry Naloxone medication which can reverse the impact of drugs including opioids, the treatment will not be carried by Victorian officers.
New South Wales and South Australia are considering similar programs however the Victorian government has no plans to follow suit, a spokeswoman told AAP.
Crime Stoppers Victoria chief executive Stella Smith warned fentanyl and other harmful drugs had the potential to devastate the state and organised crime syndicates were targeting specific industries as a way to smuggle them in.
Just 2mg of fentanyl was enough for a deadly overdose and the drug contributed to the deaths of almost 110,000 people in the US last year, she said.
Fentanyl is up to 100 times stronger than morphine and drug dealers often mix it into cocaine and heroin to boost their profit margins.
The US is dealing with an epidemic of fentanyl use.
“We’ve already seen the high-harm that illicit drugs such as ice can have on our community, with fentanyl the latest drug to potentially destroy the lives of individuals and families,” Ms Smith said.
“On an almost weekly basis we are seeing significant drug busts by authorities.
"This highlights the level outlaw motorcycle gangs and other organised crime groups are willing to go to as they attempt to harm Victorians through their greed of making a profit."
Ms Smith called on Australians working in the freight, logistics and security industries to watch out for suspicious activity, which could be an indicator of drug trafficking.
Organised crime groups were increasingly targeting those industries.
“From large shipments being paid for in cash, to colleagues becoming secretive, interested in restricted areas or showing off extravagant items, even a small piece of information could ultimately lead to more arrests and a safer community," Ms Smith said.
People in the drug trade often reached a point where they felt in over their heads and were subjected to threats of violence against them and their families, she said.
She urged anyone looking for a way out of the drug trade to anonymously report to Crime Stoppers.
"Those people will never know it was you who saved yourself," Ms Smith said.
She also urged the wider community to come forward with information about the drug trade.
Victoria Police continued to work to disrupt the trade, acting assistant commissioner Karen Nyholm said.