Long-standing workers will still earn more than the new kid on the block after businesses raised concerns new laws would undervalue a employee's experience.
Business groups including the Business Council, National Farmers Federation and Minerals Council claim new same job, same pay laws mean "employers will have to pay workers with little knowledge or experience exactly the same as workers with decades of knowledge and experience".
But Workplace Relations and Employment Minister Tony Burke rubbished the claim.
"I can categorically rule that out," he told Sky News on Sunday.
"Business have been told privately and publicly that is not what the government is doing."
Mr Burke said the legislation would close a loophole that allows employers to pay labour hires less than the agreed award for their employees.
"What I'm wanting to close is a loophole where an employer has already agreed that for a particular worker with a particular level of experience there should be a minimum rate of pay and then labour hire is used to undercut the rate of pay they just agreed to."
He also said laws allowing casual workers working permanent hours to transition to full time employment would boost job security.
"Because you're swapping from loading to leave, there's actually zero cost to the economy but a huge change in job security for people who need it," he said.